Case Studies

See how other companies use Pointerpro to automate their expertise

Written by Iris De Geest on 10/06/20
Financial assessments to deliver tailored advice at scale [case study]
Written by Iris De Geest on 20/05/20
Employee wellbeing: from measuring to advice to action [case study]
Written by Nigel Lindemann on 10/04/20
One of Australia’s top 10 retailers uses gamified learning to increase NPS [case study]
Written by Nigel Lindemann on 18/07/19
How EcSell Institute is capturing leads with their growth rings coaching assessment & personalized report [case study]
Written by Nigel Lindemann on 24/10/18
How Boot Camp Digital uses a quiz funnel to generate online leads [case study]
Written by Iris De Geest on 12/12/17
How Eneco used a lead generation survey to collect a 1000 leads in 6 weeks [case study]