Maturity assessment tool with automated feedback

A maturity assessment measures the respondent’s maturity in one or more areas through a series of questions. You provide the respondent with a maturity score, along with a personalized PDF report containing recommendations for improvement.

Trusted by more than 1.000 companies worldwide

Why use Pointerpro as your maturity assessment tool of choice

Not just maturity assessments

This is not a single-purpose assessment tool. You can build not only maturity assessments, but also personality tests, 360 assessments, competency quizzes, self-assessments, or quote calculators.

"We use Pointerpro for all types of surveys and assessments across our global business and employees love its ease of use and flexible reporting."
Jim McLean Alere
Jim McLean
Director at Alere
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Immediate and personalized feedback

Provide each respondent with a personalized report immediately at the end of the assessment. This can be feedback, a quote, or any other information you want to share based on their individual answers.

“It’s a great advantage to have formulas and the possibility for a really thorough analysis. There are hundreds of formulas, but the customer only sees the easy-to-read report. If you’re looking for something like that, it’s really nice to work with Pointerpro.”
Sabine Wanmaker
Country Manager Netherlands at Better Minds at Work
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No coding. No hassle.

Don’t worry about complicated setup with multiple tools. This is the only assessment app around where you can create interactive assessments that also generate personalized reports per respondent.

“NOBODY has a product that is exactly like this. I looked for days, and from what I can tell, this checks the box. In fact, it’s what I would have created if I had been designing a program for myself.”
Kate Zabriskie
Kate Zabriskie
CEO of Business Training Works, Inc.
easy as pie
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Fully branded and white labeled assessments

Remove any reference to Pointerpro and add your own brand colors, fonts, and logos with our White label solution. You can even brand the assessment URL, PDF reports, dashboards, and editor.

“Pointerpro is easy to use and comes with out-of-the-box modern designs to get you started. I like how easy it is to customize the look and feel.”
Erin Heilman
Director of Marketing at Medisolv
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Instantly downloadable PDF reports

No need to scare respondents away by asking for their email. Let people download their personalized PDF with a download button at the end of the assessment.

“I was able to create a customized, responsive backend combined with a clean front end that automatically generates reports and sends them to clients. The math that I’ve done says: Based on what I’m paying Pointerpro, I can run my company for the next 20 years and it’ll still be cheaper than a custom-built solution.”
David from Passions and Talents
David Endean
Founder of Passions and Talents
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Need us to build your maturity assessment from A to Z?

Happy to do so! We can set up your assessment and personalized report builder. You only need to come up with what you want to ask, assess and advise. 

Ask about this option when you get your demo.

Pointerpro Support Team

What is a maturity assessment

A maturity assessment is a process used to evaluate and measure the level of development or progress of something, such as an organization, a project, a product, or a concept, in terms of its maturity or readiness. It helps to determine how advanced or sophisticated something is in its current state, and provides insights into areas that may need improvement or further development.

In simpler terms, a maturity assessment is like taking a snapshot of how well something has grown or progressed over time, and evaluating its current state in relation to predefined criteria, maturity model or benchmarks. It is often used as a tool to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, and to guide decision-making and resource allocation.

For example, in the context of an organization, a maturity assessment may evaluate its processes, systems, culture, and capabilities to determine how mature they are in relation to industry best practices or organizational goals. It may involve the use of questionnaires, interviews, data analysis, and other assessment methods to gather information and measure the maturity level of the organization.

Overall, a maturity assessment provides an understanding of the current state of something and helps to identify opportunities for growth and improvement, making it a valuable tool for decision-making and planning.

Maturity levels

A maturity level or maturity score indicates the degree of maturity of the respondent in a specific area. The number of levels is dependent on the assessment: typically, there are between 3 and 10 maturity levels that can be reached. Below is an example of the maturity levels in a 4-level business transformation maturity assessment:

For the respondent, it is important to strive to reach the next level instead of wanting to reach perfection right away by trying to reach the highest level.


Different types of maturity assessments

Maturity measures the ability of an organization for continuous improvement in a particular discipline. The higher the maturity, the higher the chances that mistakes or errors will lead to improvements either in the quality or in the use of the resources of the discipline as implemented by the organization. The maturity assessment can be used for different purposes.
The most commonly used maturity assessments:

Curious how it works?  Give it a go!