Enneagram test

The Enneagram test is a personality model which is aimed at the development of a person. In total there are exact nine different personality types. Each of these types can be divided into three categories: Intellectual, Motoric and Emotional.

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What is an enneagram?

The Enneagram is a nine-pointed star polygon. Each touchpoint with the outer circle stands for one of the nine personality types. This model helps discover what personality traits are connected to a person and focuses on the differences in thinking, handling and feeling. There is not a single personality type that is better than any other type. Every type has its own characteristics that can be as effective as others. The magic trick is to know how to work towards a certain behaviour once you know what type of personality fits you best. The model is actually more of a way to look at reality through nine possible glasses.

The nine possible types of the enneagram test

Type 1 - The reformer

Type ones are known as reformers or perfectionists. They strive for perfection and have high expectations of others. As reformers are often highly devoted to something, they dislike people who are easily pleased. They want the best results and will always try to make something better than it already is.

By contrast, their obstruction is irritation. They get irritated more often when things don’t go as they want it to go. The reformer will not always show their feelings directly, but mostly after a period of time.

Type 2 - The helper

Type twos are known as helpers or givers. As the name suggests, helpers are friendly and generous to others and like to please people. They anticipate the needs of others and are often self-sacrificing to please them. Networking is peanuts for them as they are socially skilled and can make contact easily.

But of course, they can trap themselves in a certain situation because of their tendency to say yes. Helpers want to be helpful to anyone and have a hard time saying no. They are in some way depending on their environment to get confirmation and interest from those they help.

Type 3 - The achiever

Type threes are known as achievers and mostly as successful workers. They are energetic and ambitious people who live by the words: “The sky is the limit”. Generally, achievers often dare to take risks in order to make results. They have great perseverance and drag others along to perform. 

Sometimes, achievers can be too fanatic and will do anything they can to reach a certain goal. This may be at the expense of others, or even themselves. They are very sensitive to failure and might deny something being a failure to their co-workers or their boss. In this case, they want to make others believe it is not a failure by making reality look more beautiful than it actually is.

Type 4 - The individualist

Type fours are known as individualists or introverts. That’s why they tend to work individually and withhold themselves from others. Their vulnerability intensifies when being near other people. In order to feel safe and no longer feel vulnerable, they want to make sure others have a positive thought about them as a person.

This does not take away the fact that they are good listeners. They intensify their relationships by sensing what’s important for others and making sure others feel heard by them. Besides that, they can be creative and mostly straight to the point.

Type 5 - The investigator

Type fives are known as investigators or perceivers. They are more fascinated by the world than any other type and want to know why things are the way they are. Investigators feel a certain need for knowledge. Generally, they are introverts who love collecting and analysing objective, factual information.

One of the things they dislike the most is people who dominate by telling them what to do. Investigators are rather quiet and often handle emotions on their own.

Type 6 - The loyalist

Type sixes are known as loyalists. As the name says, they highly value loyalty and have a great feeling of responsibility. Rules and traditions are important for them to make things clear and to have something to devote their loyalty to. Generally, their personality varies between reserved and outspoken.

By contrast, loyalists have a hard time dealing with mistakes and admitting them. Eventually, they tend to project their negative thoughts or feelings on other people.

Type 7 - The enthusiast

Type sevens are known as enthusiasts or adventurers. Their world is full of adventure as they love to discover unknown possibilities. Generally, they are playful, spontaneous and optimistic. Because of their playful personality, they tend to close their eyes for any negative or painful aspect of life. By doing this, they make sure their life stays full of excitement and positive vibes.

Type 8 - The challenger

Type eights are known as challengers, and sometimes even as leaders. They are characterized by their self-confidence, persuasiveness and fairness. Challengers possess the power to motivate and protect people in general. They will always show respect towards people even if they resist their authority.

In addition, challengers must have any feeling of control. This may result in confrontational behaviour which could be experienced as intimidating to others.

Type 9 - The peacemaker

Type nines are known as peacemakers or intermediaries. Generally, they are accepting, supporting and trusting people. They tend to take a neutral position in any conflict situation and strive for smooth working conditions. Their strength is that they can harmonize different opinions, using their empathy, patience and impartiality.

Sometimes, when facing a difficult decision, they can be indecisive. Peacemakers can become invisible to other people because they do not often share their feelings or thoughts.

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