Digital maturity assessment template

Digitalization offers many new opportunities in people’s (professional) lives – if they are digitally mature.  

A good assessment helps you gauge digital maturity levels. A great assessment delivers automatic, actionable advice for improvement. 

Pointerpro is the 2-in-1 software that combines assessment building with personalized PDF report generation.

Digital maturity assessment template

How to do a digital maturity assessment

There are several ways to gauge digital maturity of a group of people, like an organization you want to consult for. 

The very first step is to show the organization you can quickly map out their as-is situation – and demonstrate you know the way forward. For the organization as a whole, but also on the level of their individual employees. And of course, you can do follow-up assessments down the line.

Some key domains you can assess via a questionnaire-based assessment are:

From these assessments you will retrieve quantifified data to get a head-start. As you move to next phases of assessment you can deepdive in diverse other types of digital maturity evaluations. For instance:

On this page, we’ll focus on questionnaire-based digital maturity assessments

3 reasons to use Pointerpro as a digital maturity assessment tool

3 reasons to use Pointerpro as a digital maturity assessment tool

Number 1

Interactive user experience

With the Questionnaire Builder you get to create an engaging assessment. How? With numerous design and layout options, useful widgets and countless question types.

Number 2

Refined, score-based analysis

Our custom scoring engine helps you score different categories of the employee performance review. The result? An objective and nuanced digital maturity assessment.

Number 3

Automated feedback in PDF

Thanks to your setup in the Report Builder, respondents instantly get a detailed PDF report: with helpful charts, a personalized analysis, and actionable tips.

Interactive user experience
Numerous design options, useful widgets, and countless question types.
Refined, score-based analysis
The custom scoring engine helps you evaluate distinct domains of digital maturity.
Automated feedback in PDF
For each respondent! With personalized responses, useful information, and your brand design.

1.500+ businesses worldwide build assessments with Pointerpro

What are key metrics or areas to define overall digital maturity?

An organization that offers professional services should probably aspire a different type of digital maturity because digitalized services are more and more crucial in the 21st century in this domain. A handmade pottery studio, on the other hand, will have much less digital requirements – although even they will want to have at least some digital presence (on the web and on social media) to sell their classes.

More generally, digital maturity refers to an organization’s ability to effectively leverage digital technologies and capabilities to drive performance, innovation, and customer-centricity. Organizations can assess their digital maturity by evaluating their progress across several key domains. The following are most commonly assessed:

These domains are interconnected, and digital maturity is achieved when organizations progress cohesively across them. The ultimate goal is to embed digital capabilities deeply within the organizational fabric, enabling it to be agile, customer-centric, and innovative.

Why custom scoring is necessary to measure digital maturity

Now, to find out whether an organization scores well in these separate areas, and to measure this in a sophisticated way. You’ll need a digital maturity assessment tool that allows for custom scoring. 

In the video below, Pointerpro’s Product Director explains the principle of custom scoring:

Individual digital maturity vs organizational digital maturity

Individual digital maturity refers to a person’s ability to effectively use digital tools, technologies, and platforms in their personal or professional life. It involves digital literacy, adaptability to new technologies, understanding of cybersecurity practices, and the ability to use data and digital resources for decision-making. A digitally mature individual can seamlessly integrate technology into their daily activities, enhance productivity, and navigate digital environments with ease.

On the other hand, organizational digital maturity is broader and encompasses the entire organization’s capability to leverage digital technologies to improve operations, customer experiences, and innovation. It includes aspects like strategy, leadership, culture, technology infrastructure, data management, and processes. Organizations with high digital maturity have systems and cultures that support continuous innovation, agility, data-driven decision-making, and effective use of emerging technologies.

The main difference lies in the scope: individual digital maturity focuses on personal competency with digital tools, while organizational digital maturity deals with how well an organization as a whole can utilize digital capabilities to achieve its business objectives and remain competitive in a digital economy.

30 digital maturity assessment example questions

Here are 30 of the best digital maturity assessment example questions divided into 3 categories:

10 organizational digital maturity assessment example questions

The goal of these digital maturity assesmsent template questions is to evaluate an organization’s digital maturity across various key domains, such as leadership engagement, technology infrastructure, customer experience, and cybersecurity. The first set of questions allows respondents to reflect on these areas without biasing them with options. The second set adds structured answer options to quantify and measure responses consistently. This dual approach ensures both open reflection and clear benchmarking, helping organizations identify strengths and areas for improvement in their digital transformation journey.

10 individual digital maturity assessment example questions

These digital maturity assessment template questions aim to evaluate a person’s comfort level, skills, and proactive behavior with digital tools, technologies, and cybersecurity practices. The initial open-ended format encourages self-reflection, allowing individuals to assess their abilities without the influence of predefined options. The second format, with answer options, provides a structured way to quantify responses and measure digital maturity more accurately.

This method allows for clear benchmarking, offering a straightforward path for individuals to understand their current digital competency and identify areas where they may need to develop further skills.

10 digital maturity assessment example questions for aged persons

The aim of these digital maturity assessment template questions is to assess digital maturity specifically for older adults, focusing on their comfort with and use of digital technologies in everyday life.

The initial open-ended format encourages reflection on their abilities without being confined to pre-defined options, allowing a more organic self-assessment.

The second format provides structured answer options, helping quantify their responses and giving clarity on areas where they might need more support, such as internet navigation, online safety, or digital learning. The questions are tailored to the daily digital habits of older adults, ensuring relevance and accessibility.

What Pointerpro clients are saying

For your insiration: 9 well-known digital maturity frameworks

Here are nine common digital maturity frameworks that organizations use to assess and guide their digital transformation journey:

Each of these frameworks focuses on different aspects of digital maturity, such as strategy, technology, culture, and operations, offering a comprehensive set of tools for organizations to benchmark themselves and plan their digital transformation journey.

To develop a custom digital maturity assessment as a smaller consultant, you can draw inspiration from established frameworks like Deloitte DMM, McKinsey DQ, and BCG DAI. By studying these frameworks, you can identify key domains such as strategy, technology, customer experience, and organizational culture that are relevant to their customers. You can then tailor these domains to the specific needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) or industry-specific customers, ensuring that the questions you design reflect practical and scalable digital capabilities.

It could be useful to simplify the assessment by using a straightforward response scale and focusing on actionable insights. Rather than just providing a maturity score, the assessment should help identify areas for improvement, such as technology adoption or data-driven decision-making, and offer recommendations for growth. Yourreport – which would be automates, using Pointerpro, could include digital roadmaps or scorecards, to help customers visualize their progress and guide their digital transformation journey.

Over time, you can adapt your framework by gathering feedback and refining the questions based on customer needs and industry trends. By positioning the assessment as part of a continuous improvement process, you can help customers revisit their digital strategies regularly, ensuring long-term value and positioning themselves as a key partner in their digital transformation efforts.

Create your digital maturity assessment template now

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