9 box assessment template

A 9 box talent assessment is a tried and tested way for HR experts to manage human potential.

But what if you could move beyond the 9 box grid and develop a questionnaire-based assessment that translated itself into quality reports?

Pointerpro is the 2-in-1 software that combines assessment building with personalized PDF report generation.

9 box assessment template

What is a 9 box grid and what is a 9 box assessment template?

A 9-box grid is a widely used tool in talent management and performance management to assess employees’ performance and potential. It is often used as part of succession planning, talent reviews, and leadership development programs to identify high-potential employees and develop strategies for growth, promotion, or development needs.

The 9-box grid is a matrix with two axes:

  • Performance (X-axis): Ranges from low to high, typically divided into three levels (e.g., Low, Moderate, and High Performance).
  • Potential (Y-axis): Also ranges from low to high, similarly divided into three levels (e.g., Low, Moderate, and High Potential).

This results in a 3×3 grid, forming 9 boxes, where each box represents a combination of performance and potential:

9 box assessment template grid

A 9-box assessment template is a questionnaire-based tool that organizations use to document and visualize the position of employees in the 9-box grid. It uses a scoring system to do so. 

An assessment like this can be used to evaluate skill and competency levels, personality, motivation and many other aspects. It typically provides visibility for managers and HR teams on observed performance and potential performance levels in the organization.

3 reasons to use Pointerpro as a 9 box assessment tool

3 reasons to use Pointerpro as a 9 box assessment tool

Number 1

Interactive user experience

With the Questionnaire Builder you get to create an engaging assessment. How? With numerous design and layout options, useful widgets and countless question types.

Number 2

Refined, score-based analysis

Our custom scoring engine helps you score and designate respondents to all categories of your 9 box assessment. The result? An objective and nuanced assessment of your employee.

Number 3

Automated feedback in PDF

Thanks to your setup in the Report Builder, respondents instantly get a detailed PDF report: with helpful charts, a personalized analysis, and actionable tips.

Interactive user experience
Numerous design options, useful widgets, and countless question types.
Refined, score-based analysis
The custom scoring engine helps you designate respondents to all the domains of your 9 box assessment.
Automated feedback in PDF
For each respondent! With personalized responses, useful information, and your brand design.

1.500+ businesses worldwide build assessments with Pointerpro

The 9 box grid explained

Here’s a brief description of each of the 9 profiles in the 9-box grid, based on assessments of performance (how well an employee meets or exceeds expectations in their role) and potential (an employee’s capability and readiness for future roles, growth, and leadership opportunities):

These profiles help organizations manage talent effectively by identifying where to allocate resources, training, and opportunities based on employees’ performance and potential levels.

Are 9 box grids outdated?

No, 9-box grids are not outdated; they remain a highly effective and relevant tool for talent management and employee development. While some organizations may explore new approaches, the 9-box grid continues to provide a clear, visual framework that helps HR professionals and managers evaluate and align employee performance with potential in a structured manner.

The appeal of the 9-box grid lies in its simplicity and versatility. It allows for quick and effective categorization of employees, helping organizations identify high-potential individuals, solid performers, and those who may need development. This straightforward approach is invaluable for succession planning, leadership development, and strategic decision-making, especially in complex organizations where having a comprehensive view of talent is essential.

Furthermore, the 9-box grid facilitates meaningful conversations between managers and employees, encouraging open dialogue about performance expectations, career aspirations, and developmental opportunities. It is not just a static tool; it serves as the foundation for ongoing performance management processes, enabling organizations to adapt and refine their strategies over time.

Many modern organizations still find the 9-box grid an essential component of their talent management strategy. When used with data-driven insights and a focus on continuous improvement, it integrates seamlessly with newer performance management systems and technologies, demonstrating its lasting relevance and adaptability.

How to implement a 9 box grid? Create a 9 box assessment template.

The 9-box grid can be enriched by distributing various assessments that evaluate multiple aspects of employees, such as performance metrics, leadership potential, skills assessments, and behavioral evaluations. By gathering data from these different sources, organizations can build a comprehensive picture of each employee, considering not just their current job performance but also their future capabilities and growth potential. This multi-faceted approach allows for a more objective and holistic understanding of talent, minimizing biases and providing a balanced view of where employees truly stand.

By aggregating the results from these assessments, organizations can populate the 9-box grid with deeper insights, leading to a more sophisticated and accurate analysis of their workforce. This method ensures that the 9-box grid is not based on a single perspective but is instead informed by a range of data points, making it a powerful tool for strategic decision-making, succession planning, and tailored employee development.

The assessment tool you’ll use for this is required to have a few key features, to make your efforts successful:

Key 9 box assessment feature 1: Skip logic (or “branching”)

Skip logic is essential for creating a dynamic and efficient assessment experience tailored to each respondent’s specific role, experience, and performance level. By guiding respondents through only the most relevant questions based on their previous answers, skip logic ensures that the assessment remains focused and efficient, minimizing unnecessary questions and maximizing the accuracy of data collected. 

This customization improves the user experience, increases completion rates, and provides more precise insights by capturing the most pertinent information. 

Our Pointerpro colleague, Stacy, explains “skip logic” (also called “survey logic” or “branching”) in the video below:

Key 9 box assessment feature 2: Custom scoring

Custom scoring, particularly weighted scoring, adds significant value by allowing organizations to prioritize different competencies, behaviors, or skills based on their unique strategic goals. 

By assigning different weights to various criteria, the assessment tool can reflect the importance of specific attributes, such as leadership potential or technical expertise, ensuring that the final scores are aligned with the organization’s talent management priorities. This flexibility not only makes the evaluation process more precise but also helps identify and nurture the most critical talent aspects for each individual.

Our Product Director, Bruno, gives a quick intro about custom scoring in the video below:

Key 9 box assessment feature 3: PDF report generation

Though rather uncommon in assessment tools, automated PDF report generation is crucial for providing each respondent with immediate, personalized feedback that includes actionable tips and resources. 

This type of feature streamlines the delivery of assessment results, making them accessible and easy to understand. By automatically generating these reports, the organization saves time and ensures consistency, while employees receive targeted recommendations that empower them to improve their skills and address development areas, enhancing the overall impact and value of the assessment process.

Key 9 box assessment feature 4: Aggregate reporting

The ability to create aggregate reports is indispensable for delivering a comprehensive view of each employee’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential across all assessed areas. This feature allows the individual employees or their managers – depending on who responded to the questionnaires – to receive a holistic analysis of their performance and growth areas, facilitating informed career planning and development. It also allows employees to benchmark themselves (anonymously) with the rest of the organzation.

Furthermore, generating group reports with visualizations like charts and widgets provides HR stakeholders with powerful insights into organizational talent trends. These visual tools enable quick identification of high-potential employees, performance gaps, and areas needing development, supporting strategic planning and decision-making at a higher level.

Diverse 9 box assessment purposes

The 9-box grid is a versatile tool used in talent management and organizational development. Here are six different use cases for applying a 9-box grid assessment:

10 example questions for a 9 box assessment template

Here are 10 of the best 9 box assessment example questions:

10 example questions for a succession planning focused 9 box assessment template

These 9 box assessment template questions – directed at an individual employee’s manager – are focused on long-term potential and the ability to lead, which is distinct from simply evaluating current performance or immediate development needs.

What Pointerpro clients are saying

9 box grid alternatives

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