How to conduct an effective business assessment


There are a ton of areas to assess when running a company. With so many functional nooks and crannies, it would be challenging to come up with an accurate assessment of your current business. You can do product analysis, market research, quarterly reports, employee happiness surveys, and other analyses that give you a good idea […]

How to combine PR and market research using assessments

Traditionally, market research and public relations are thought of as different departments within marketing. Market research refers to case studies, trials, surveys, and focus groups, whereas public relations refers to the perceptions and interactions the public has towards your company. One informs the other, of course, but they don’t necessarily work hand-in-hand.  PR surveys incorporate […]

How to balance and make the most out of digital marketing automation and personalization

Automation has become a key part of everyday life. From paying bills to carrying out routine business processes, it’s increasingly difficult finding places to speed up tedious tasks. Recently, marketers have taken to using an automation workflow to improve their campaigns. But, businesses should be slightly wary of using it. Automation is seen as depersonalizing […]