Privacy impact assessment template

What if you could build privacy impact assessments that auto-generate tailored and actionable feedback?

PIAs are for upholding data security and privacy. They allow you to identify and address potential privacy concerns before they become problematic.

Pointerpro is the 2-in-1 software that combines assessment building with personalized PDF report generation.

An example of a privacy impact assessment template question and personalized feedback report

Required actions to carry out a privacy impact assessment (PIA)

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is a systematic process used to evaluate and manage the privacy risks associated with the collection, use, disclosure, and handling of personal information within an organization. The primary goal of a PIA is to ensure that privacy considerations are integrated into the design and implementation of systems, processes, or projects.

Conducting a privacy impact assessment involves a series of steps to systematically evaluate the privacy implications of a project, system, or process. The exact steps may vary depending on the specific requirements of the organization or relevant privacy regulations, but here is a general framework for carrying out a PIA.

3 reasons to use Pointerpro as a privacy impact assessment tool

3 reasons to use Pointerpro as a privacy impact assessment tool

Number 1

Interactive user experience

With the Questionnaire Builder, you create an engaging PIA. How? With numerous design and layout options, useful widgets, and countless question types.

Number 2

Refined, score-based analysis

Our custom scoring engine helps you quantify and categorize diverse answers. The result? An objective and nuanced privacy impact assessment based on the respondents’ answers.

Number 3

Automated feedback in PDF

Thanks to your setup in the Report Builder, respondents instantly get a detailed PDF report: with helpful charts, an objective analysis, and actionable tips.

Interactive user experience
Numerous design options, useful widgets, and countless question types.
Refined, score-based analysis
The custom scoring engine helps you quantify and categorize answers from respondents.
Automated feedback in PDF
For each respondent! With helpful charts, a detailed analysis, and actionable tips.

1.500+ businesses worldwide build assessments with Pointerpro

What is the purpose of a privacy impact assessment template?

The key purpose of a privacy impact assessment (PIA) is to systematically evaluate and manage the potential privacy risks associated with the collection, use, disclosure, and handling of personal information within an organization. 

No matter what privacy impact assessment template you use, and no matter what context, these are the primary objectives of a PIA:

About GDPR and your privacy impact assessment template (PIA)

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is closely tied to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) because it helps organizations follow the rules outlined in GDPR when handling people’s personal information.

GDPR sets the Rules: GDPR is a set of rules created to protect the privacy of individuals in the European Union (EU) regarding their personal data. It applies to all organizations active in the EU that collect, process, or store such data.

In the video below, Pointerpro Product Director Bruno takes a shot at explaining GDPR in layman’s terms.

A PIA, more specifically a privacy impact assessment template adapted to GDPR helps you follow the rules: When an organization wants to start a new project or process that involves handling people’s personal information, they use a PIA to assess and manage any potential risks to privacy. It helps them follow the rules and principles of GDPR.

In essence, a privacy impact assessment is a practical tool that organizations in the EU use to make sure they’re doing things the right way according to GDPR. It helps them be responsible custodians of people’s personal data, promoting both legal compliance and trust between the organization and individuals. 

In the context of GDPR a privacy impact assessment is always referred to as a DPIA: a Data protection impact assessment. This article of the European Commission delves into when it’s required.

Privacy impact assessment (PIA) vs data protection impact assessment (DPIA)

Though often used interchangeably, because both assessments share the goal of evaluating and managing privacy risks, there is a difference to note. 

A PIA is a broader term used for assessments conducted to evaluate privacy implications in various contexts, while a DPIA is a more focused assessment required when processing activities, especially new technologies, are likely to result in high risks to individuals’ rights and freedoms. 

A DPIA, as per GDPR, has specific criteria. These include assessing the necessity and proportionality of the processing, evaluating potential risks, and proposing mitigating measures. So in summary, while all DPIAs are PIAs, not all PIAs are DPIAs, as the latter is a more specialized form mandated by GDPR for high-risk data processing activities.

20 privacy impact assessment example questions

Here are 20 privacy impact assessment example questions divided into 2 well-known categories:

10 privacy impact assessment example questions for GDPR

Here are 10 privacy impact assessment template questions that could be included in a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) specifically tailored for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

10 privacy impact assessment example questions for NIST

These privacy impact assessment template questions guide organizations in evaluating the privacy implications of their systems or projects and aligning with the principles outlined in the NIST Privacy Framework. The approach involves a systematic assessment of privacy risks, data protection measures, and ongoing compliance efforts to enhance privacy and cybersecurity practices, with a focus on flexibility and global applicability.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a U.S. federal agency that develops and promotes standards and guidelines to enhance the cybersecurity and privacy posture of organizations. NIST’s guidelines, particularly those outlined in documents such as the NIST Privacy Framework, provide a structured approach to managing privacy risks. 

While GDPR is a European regulation focused on protecting individuals’ privacy rights, NIST offers a more general framework applicable globally. Both GDPR and NIST emphasize the importance of risk assessment, security measures, and ongoing compliance efforts, but they differ in their geographic scope and the level of specificity in their requirements. NIST provides a flexible framework that organizations worldwide can adopt to enhance their privacy practices and cybersecurity measures.

What Pointerpro clients are saying

6 commonly known privacy impact assessment templates

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