Diagnostic assessment software to spark improvement

A good diagnostic assessment tool accurately identifies knowledge, skill or health gaps. 

A great diagnostic tool addresses them with your personalized advice.

Create yours now with Pointerpro: The 2-in-1 software for questionnaire building and automated PDF report generation.

Trusted by more than 1033 organizations worldwide

Perfect to build diagnostic assessments for:


Eliminate lengthy intake discussions that make you feel like a sales rep and wear you out. 

Convince and onboard customers in no time.

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Stop second guessing about the needs of your students. Assess their knowledge accurately and objectively.

Free up your staff’s time and productize their expertise.

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L&D specialists

Win the war on talent through the art of measurement. Address gaps and identify training needs.

Motivate employees with personalized feedback.

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Health experts

Address and grow your understanding of mental or physical concerns people and patients deal with. 

Boost patient awareness with two-way interaction.

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patient engagement software

Instantly downloadable diagnostics

The answers your assessment collects allow you to vary content and style – within the assessment and the final report. From text, to graphs, visuals and beyond.

You set the conditions when you build. Your respondents get a diagnostic report in PDF as soon as they’re done. 

patient engagement software

A diagnostic assessment PDF report that carries your brand, 100%

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an independent consultant, represent an educational institution, or a business. Your assessments and feedback reports are based on your knowledge. 

That deserves your logo, your colors, your design, your everything.

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How it works:
How it works:


You set up your questionnaire(s) with various question types, once.



You apply the assessment logic with custom scoring, once.



You create branded report templates with variable outcomes, once.

You set up your questionnaire, once.
You apply your evaluation logic, once.
You create a report template, once.

This is what clients say about us:

How to build automated diagnostic assessments with Pointerpro

Here’s a quick introduction on how Pointerpro works, brought to you by one of our product Experts, Chris.

Aggregated PDF Report main visual

Also 360, benchmark or team reports

Beyond a diagnostic based on their own responses, you get to inform people with 360 feedback collected from others or benchmarks of other assessment respondents.

Of course, not only respondents benefit from the diagnostic assessment. You engage other stakeholders too with consolidated diagnostic reports on a team or organizational level.

Aggregated PDF Report main visual

One tool, no complexity

Typically, a complex and expensive chain of tools is required to get from data collection and  analysis to personalized reporting. Not with Pointerpro.

That said, if you have an existing CRM you need to link up to, it’s an easy trick with tools like Zapier and Make.

Find out more about Pointerpro’s one-of-a-kind features.

Software-as-a-service… with human support

No need to scare respondents away by asking for their email. Let people download their personalized PDF with a download button at the end of the assessment.

"You’ll probably roll your eyes now, but I feel like I’m part of the family. My comments have always been well-received by the support team. It feels like we’re brainstorming together. They’re just very accommodating.”
Riaan van der Merwe
Founder of Attain Global
International Support Team

Need 100% unburdening? Hire our professional service team.

Given the limitless capabilities of the Pointerpro platform, organizations envision audacious assessment projects to catalyze their business. 

Whatever resources you may lack to manage the scope of your imagination, we can handle for you.

You think it, we’ll build it.

Frequently Asked Questions

A diagnostic assessment is in some sene a very broad term for a questionnaire-based approach. One that evaluates an individual’s or organization’s current state. 

By identifying strengths, weaknesses, risks, threats and needs it has the potential to map out a path toward improvement. 

Having a diagnostic assessment tool is crucial for making objective and informed decisions. Based on the data, experts can formulate tailored strategies, and stakeholders can  implement targeted interventions. 

Diagnostic assessments are most often found education, business, healthcare (or personal development).

There are various types of diagnostic assessments. Most commonly, though not exclusively, they tend to fall under one of these categories:

  • Business diagnostic assessments: Business diagnostic assessments are designed to evaluate various aspects of a company’s operations, strategies, and overall health. The diagnostic reports that they result in help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the organization.

    By analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs), financial data, market positioning – and much more – business diagnostic assessments provide an evaluation of a company’s current state.

    Respondents of these assessments are typically management level staff members who are responsible for their particular domain, but a full report can also involve questionnaires that are completed by other employees or even customers and partners. The ultimate goal is to enable leaders to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and implement effective strategies to drive growth and improve operational efficiency.

  • Brand diagnostic assessments: Brand diagnostic assessments focus on evaluating the health and effectiveness of a brand in the market. Marketers develop and/or use these assessments to analyze factors such as brand awareness, customer perception, market share, and competitive positioning.

    By gathering data from customer feedback, and aggregating it with data from other market research, and social media analysis, brand diagnostic assessments offer insights into how the brand is perceived and performing. It helps businesses identify areas for improvement, strengthen brand identity, and develop strategies to enhance customer loyalty and market presence.

  • Personality diagnostic assessments: Personality diagnostic assessments are typically self-assessments used to understand individual personality traits, behaviors, and preferences. These assessments measure various dimensions of personality. They’re either based on standardized frameworks, consultant’s own unique frameworks or a combination of both.

    The diagnostic reports derived from these assessments are used in various contexts: Personal development, career planning, employee engagement, recruitment- and many more. Organizations use personality diagnostic assessments to match individuals with suitable roles, create better team dynamics, and boost overall workplace productivity.

Maybe you’re still on the fence about whether or not to invest time in developing your own diagnostic assessments. To help you decide here’s a list of commonly reported advantages and disadvantages:


  • Objective clarity: Diagnostic assessment tools provides a clear, data-based picture of areas where individuals or organizations excel and where they need improvement.

  • Tailored interventions: Enables the development of customized strategies and solutions to address specific needs. With a diagnostic assessment tool that auto-generates tailored reports – like Pointerpro – you also have the benefit of speed-of-delivery.

  • Informed decision-making: Diagnostic reports with detailed insights – visualized through effective charts and widgets – convince stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.

  • Early problem detection: If used systematically a diagnostic assessment is the perfect way to spot issues early, before there’s any escalation. That of course allows for timely corrective actions.

  • Performance tracking: A diagnostic assessment or a variants of the same assessment can be used over time to compare results and monitor progress. That way you evaluate objectively whether interventions are effective.
  • Resource allocation: The right diagnostic assessment can assist in efficiently allocating resources. For instance: by focusing efforts on identified problem areas.



  • Time-investment: Developing a well-thought and effective diagnostic framework takes some time and dedication from relevant experts. However once the framework is digized into a full-blown digital assessment, you benefit exponentially.

  • Complexity and cost: The more sophisticated the diagnostic framework, the more complex the development of the assessment – which will be based on custom scoring and formulas. It tends to becomes especially tricky if you want your assessment results to automatically convert into a report. Organizations often still tend to duct-tape different digital tools together – or ask IT specialists to do it for them. That results in both an expensive investment and maintenance costs. Luckily, with a SaaS platform that centralizes questionnaire building and report building – like Pointerpro – the entire cycle is automated and updating assessments is easy.

  • Dependence on response data: In the end a diagnostic report is only as good as the data it collects. Therefore, it’s crucial to incentivize respondents. It’s important to choose a diagnostic assessment tool that allows you to create very interactive questionnaires and an attractive flow thanks to survey logic capabilities. Also, when your respondent also receives a personalized report with the click of a button, response rates tend to sky-rocket.

You’re in safe hands. We’re ISO 27001:2022 certified!

ISO 27001 certification assures our customers of a steadfast commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security and safeguarding their valuable data. This certification underscores Pointerpro’s dedication to meeting global benchmarks and instilling confidence and trust in the reliability and security of its services.

Pointerpro’s servers are hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Ireland (EU/EEA) (more info here), the world’s largest and most reliable cloud infrastructure provider. All our servers are set up redundantly to prevent loss of data or unavailability of any kind. Our SLA with AWS ensures any issue be taken up with the highest priority. Our specialized infrastructure and operations provider keeps a watchful eye to make sure everything is done following the highest standards and operating smoothly. For more info check Pointerpro’s security statement.

We have over 50 languages supported. You can create each assessment and report in one or more languages. You can check the full supported languages list here.

We have had people set up in days, others in months. We suggest starting the onboarding 1 to 3 months prior to launch.

We are a global company that serves businesses across every industry with stories similar to yours. Check out our gallery of customer case studies.

Create your diagnostic assessment today.

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