Customer service quiz

What makes a happy customer – and have you got it? Finding out the answers to these questions must be high on a customer service team’s list of priorities.

After all, if your customers’ trust and like your organization, its sales will be stronger, its reputation will be greater, and it will retain good staff members more easily. So, what do they think right now?

It could be painfully clear that your service isn’t great, but you might not be sure how to improve it. On the other hand, you may be streets ahead of your competitors when it comes to customer satisfaction, but you wonder how long that will last.

Curious how it works? Give it a go!

Pointerpro’s customer service quiz offers you:
Pointerpro’s customer service quiz offers you:

Full white label option

No trace of Pointerpro anywhere! Custom URLs and custom branding options make mobile assessments look like a custom-made native app. All thanks to our white label option.


Faster feedback

Instant results allow you to quickly analyze the data you’ve collected and use the insights to improve your customer service.


Serious set-up functionalities

Build, sculpt and craft your quizzes to take on every kind of situation. Awesome features like Offline Mode, Multiple Languages or Save on exit will make your quiz creation feel like a dream.

Full white label option
No trace of Pointerpro anywhere!
Faster feedback
Instant results allow you to quickly analyze the data you’ve collected.
Serious set-up functionalities
Build, sculpt and craft your quizzes to take on every kind of situation.

Why build a customer service quiz?

While customer service tips are considered as best practices, customer service training is key for upgrading your support skills to deal with different types of customers and deliver higher satisfaction.

The customer service training aims to improve soft skills, like communication and emotional intelligence, but also technical skills, including typing speed and software knowledge.

Training programs come in different flavors – customer service training manuals, courses, tests, e-books or workshops. But a well-thought-out interactive quiz can give you a clear indication of the quality of your customer service.

8 Customer service tips to become a support hero

Here's what our customers say
3 important tips

Avoid yes or no types of questions, this can lead to making the wrong decisions when taking conclusions from your feedback results. After receiving your results, use the correct benchmarks to determine how to implement change e.g. If you notice 10% of your attendees said they did not eat the lamb roast, maybe it was because 10% was vegetarian and not 10% did not like the roast.

Send out your feedback assessment immediately after the event. This way the event will still be fresh in the attendees’ minds, enabling them to give an actionable, detailed report on their experience.

Know your attendee. Ask some demographic questions such as age, gender, nationality etc. This way you’ll know which group of people to market to in the future and which people are less likely to attend your event next time.

Recommended reading

Create your first interactive questionnaire today.