Restaurant survey template

See what guests think about their experience at your restaurant by letting them fill out a short survey. From questions on food service to affordability, our template gives you new insights into your restaurant’s performance.

A restaurant survey will help you:

Trusted by 1.500+ businesses worldwide

Why use Pointerpro as restaurant survey tool?
Why use Pointerpro as restaurant survey tool?

Advanced skip logic

Advanced skip logic lets your customer take the quickest route through the survey by only showing questions that apply to them.


Start a conversation

Use your customers’ language. Make them smile by adding audio and video into your survey. It’ll all add up to a more engaged person willing to share more with you.



Custom colors, icons, and formats make sure your survey matches your restaurant’s brand. For more advanced branding option, check our white label solution.

Advanced skip logic
Only show questions that apply to your customer.
Start a conversation
Make them smile with audio and video in your survey.
Custom colors, icons, and formats to match your restaurant’s brand.

What is a restaurant survey?

A restaurant survey is a tool used to collect customer feedback and opinions about their dining experience at a restaurant.

It typically involves a series of questions that customers can answer, providing their thoughts on various aspects such as food quality, service, ambiance, and overall satisfaction.

The survey aims to gather valuable information from customers to understand their preferences, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that the restaurant meets their needs and expectations. By participating in a restaurant survey, customers can share their opinions and help the restaurant enhance its offerings and provide a better dining experience.

Restaurant survey format

A restaurant survey typically includes a variety of questions related to the dining experience. Here are some common elements that are often included in a restaurant survey:

Additionally, restaurant surveys may include demographic questions to gather information about the customers, such as age, gender, or location. These demographics can help the restaurant understand its customer base better and tailor their offerings to specific preferences.

It’s important to note that the specific questions and format of a restaurant survey can vary depending on the goals and objectives of the survey and the restaurant’s unique requirements.

10 tips to implement a good restaurant survey

By implementing these tips, you can create an effective restaurant survey that provides valuable insights to help you enhance the customer experience, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to grow your business.

Integrate with your favorite tools

Google tag manager

Google Tag Manager




Cloud SQL




Make (formerly Integromat)

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