Guided selling software to accelerate your sales

With a Pointerpro assessment, you capture prospects’ essential needs. It automatically matches them up with your best-fit product or service, in a convincing and personalized report.

Trusted by more than 1.000 companies worldwide

One automated solution to boost your entire sales cycle

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Reach more

Feature assessments on your website and distribute them in e-mail campaigns.

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Identify needs
and solutions

Set up logic and scoring for instant and ultra-accurate analysis.

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Convince with relevant feedback

Show a service or product fit in a report with personalized arguments.

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Close and

Use your guided selling assessment and data to up- and cross-sell solutions.

One tool, no complexity

Typically, a complex and expensive chain of tools is required to get from data collection and analysis to personalized reporting. Not with Pointerpro. That said, if you have an existing CRM you need to link up to, it’s an easy trick with tools like Zapier and Make.

Instant brand loyalty.

No better way to establish relationships with clients than to walk the walk with them from day 1. 

The personalized report is your golden ticket. Flaunting your knowledge makes you desirable. Your fully branded design makes you unforgettable.

Who uses Pointerpro?

integrations icon purple 64x64 1

Digitize your business

by selling online

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Improve your operations

with the same payroll

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Get more revenue

and get it faster

Frequently asked questions about guided selling

What is guided selling?

Guided selling is a sales technique. The salesperson (or system) provides personalized recommendations to a potential customer throughout the buying process.

The result? Informed purchasing decisions, tailored to the customer’s needs and preferences.

How to do guided selling?

You need to do an assessment of the customer’s needs. That means you need to ask questions and attach relevant conclusions to potential answers. 

These can be suggestions of products or services that meet the customer’s budget and requirements, but also other information and advice, valuable for him or her. Check out more tips here.

When to apply guided selling?

A guided selling assessment is especially effective for products or services that are expensive or involve a high degree of customization or complexity. From kitchen design to international postal delivery service needs.

Here's what people say about us

Is guided selling software the same as a product configurator?

No. A product configurator simply adapts the price for each configuration the buyer applies. E.g. An additional option, like leather seats, for a car.

Guided selling software helps you understand preferences and pain points to automatically provide a well-founded recommendation. 

3 advantages:

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    A better and faster service or product fit

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    A higher chance of up- and cross-selling

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    A stronger relationship with the customer

Need us to build your product from A to Z?

Happy to do so! We can set up your assessment and personalized report builder. You only need to come up with what you want to ask, assess and advise. 

Ask about this option when you get your demo.